Trish and Joshua's wedding was one of the last weddings that I have had the honour to do before starting my maternity leave earlier this year. I love how Trish came to me and let me create what I think was suitable for her.
These pictures from We Are Origami Photography have perfectly illustrated my signature bridal look - flawless and radiant skin, with simple lines and colours to enhance her features, less the ridiculous contouring and false lashes that has now swamped the social media feeds. Her up-do is intricate, yet uncomplicated.
I always ask myself, what can I do for a bride so that 20,40 and 60 years from now, she will look at her wedding day pictures and still love her makeup and hair. This look, for me, is timeless. I hope that it is for Trish too.

Base: Gorgeous Cosmetics Base Perfect Foundation in 1W.
Highlight: Laura Mercier; Gorgeous Cosmetics Prism Highlighter
Eyes: Gorgeous Cosmetics Pro Eye shadows in Taupe and Golden Kiss; Stila Stay All Day Liquid Eyeliner; Clinique Lash Powder Mascara
Blush: Stila
Lips: Gorgeous Cosmetics Lipstick in Whimsy and Liquidlips in Allure